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C — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
CalcXBoundaries(nSetPosX:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Calculates if a position is beyond the Y boundaries
CalcYBoundaries(nSetPosY:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Calculates if a position is beyond the Y boundaries
callProperty(methodName:any, ... rest) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
camera — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
camera — Property, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Returns the 3D camera
CanEmit() — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Returns if the emitter can actually emit a particle
CanFullscreen() — method, class verlocity.display.DisplayManager
CanPause() — method, class verlocity.components.verPause
Returns if you can actually pause
capitalize(p_string:String, ... rest) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.StringUtil
Capitallizes the first word in a string or all words..
CAPSLOCK — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
CastBitmapData(materialClass:Class) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns bitmap data from an image class
center — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
CHANNEL_LEFT — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.sound.FrequencyAnalyzer
CHANNEL_MONO — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.sound.FrequencyAnalyzer
CHANNEL_RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.sound.FrequencyAnalyzer
Clamp(nVal:Number, nMin:Number, nMax:Number) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.MathUtil
Returns the clamped value of a number.
ClampNum(nVal:Number) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.MathUtil
Returns the 0-1 clamped value of a number.
className — Property, class verlocity.core.Component
Returns the class name of the component for dictionary registration.
className — Property, class verlocity.logic.State
Returns the class name of the state.
CleanSlate(bRemoveProtected:Boolean, bFadeOutSound:Boolean, bClearBitmapAssets:Boolean) — Static Method , class verlocity.Verlocity
Clears all component objects.
clear() — method, class verlocity.core.Global
clear() — method, class verlocity.core.LinkedList
Removes all the linked list nodes.
clear() — method, class verlocity.core.ObjectStorage
Clears all data in the storage.
Clear() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.UIElement
Clears all graphics drawn on the UI element.
Clear() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Clears the graphics of the display object of the entity.
ClearBounds() — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Clears the boundaries of the entity.
ClearKeyHistory() — method, class verlocity.components.verInput
Clears the entire key history.
ClearPauseMenuItems() — method, class verlocity.components.verPause
Clears all pause menu items
clone() — method, class verlocity.events.GlobalEvent
CLOSEBRACE — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
CloseGUI() — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Closes the achievement list GUI.
CO_BASIC — Constant Property, class verlocity.components.verCollision
CO_CDK — Constant Property, class verlocity.components.verCollision
collision — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
CollisionInfo — final class, package verlocity.collision
CollisionInfo(iFlag:int, entCollide:verlocity.ents:DynamicEntity) — Constructor, class verlocity.collision.CollisionInfo
collisionRect — Property, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Returns the collision rect
collisionType — Property, class verlocity.collision.CollisionInfo
COLON — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
colorTransform — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
ColorUtil — final class, package verlocity.utils
COMMA — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.events.EventBitmapClip
Component — class, package verlocity.core
Component(sStage:flash.display:Stage, bUpdate:Boolean, bPauses:Boolean, bPauseOnStart:Boolean) — Constructor, class verlocity.core.Component
The constructor of a component.
ComponentManager — final class, package verlocity.core
ComponentManager() — Constructor, class verlocity.core.ComponentManager
Creates a new holder for the components.
computeFrequencies(frequencies:Array, bandwidth:Number, channel:String, stretchFactor:int) — Static Method , class verlocity.sound.FrequencyAnalyzer
Returns approxamite spectral density (amplitude) for the frequency bands defined.
computeFrequencyBands(spectrum:Vector$Number, frequencies:Array, bandwidth:Number, stretchFactor:int) — Static Method , class verlocity.sound.FrequencyAnalyzer
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verBitmap
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verEngine
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verPause
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verStates
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.components.verUI
Concommands of the component.
_Concommands() — method, class verlocity.core.Component
Called if verConsole is enabled, used to create concommands for the component.
console — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
_Construct() — method, class verlocity.core.Game
Called when the game is constructed.
Construct() — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Called before the entity is spawned to setup the constants of the entity.
Construct() — method, class verlocity.logic.State
Called when the state is first created.
container — Property, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Returns the 3D container
contains(p_string:String, p_char:String) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.StringUtil
Determines whether the specified string contains any instances of p_char.
Contains(aArray:Array, obj:Object) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.ArrayUtil
Returns if an object exists in an array.
containsId(id:int) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
containsKey(name:String) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
containsValue(value:any) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
ContentFolder — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the content folder.
CONTENT_FOLDER — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
CONTENT_FOLDER is a helper setting designed to keep assets organized.
contrast — Property, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Returns the contrast of the camera.
CO_POINT — Constant Property, class verlocity.components.verCollision
CopyIntoBitmap(bmd:flash.display:BitmapData, rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, nX:Number, nY:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.Layer
Copies pixel data into the bitmap layer.
CO_TILEMAP — Constant Property, class verlocity.components.verCollision
CountAll() — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Returns the amount of current entities.
CountAll() — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Returns the amount of sounds currently alive.
countEmitters — Property, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Returns the current amount of emitters active.
CountForces() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the number of forces being applied to this physics object.
countOf(p_string:String, p_char:String, p_caseSensitive:Boolean) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.StringUtil
Determines the number of times a charactor or sub-string appears within the string.
countParticles — Property, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Returns the current amount of alive particles.
Create(sLayer:String, bZOrderFix:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates the 3D scene.
Create(entClass:Class, bCollision:Boolean, dispObject:flash.display:DisplayObject, bBitmap:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Creates an entity.
Create(sName:String, bAddToCamera:Boolean, bgArt:flash.display:DisplayObject, nPosX:Number, nPosY:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Creates a layer and returns it.
Create(sLayer:String, iSetMaxParticles:int, iSetMaxEmitters:int, nWidth:Number, nHeight:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Creates the particle system
Create(sSound:any, nStartVolume:Number, bPlayAuto:Boolean, bLoops:Boolean, bLocationBased:Boolean, sGroup:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Creates a sound object and returns it
Create(sMessage:String, iTimeToDisplay:int) — method, class verlocity.display.MessageManager
Creates a HUD message.
CreateBar(iWidth:int, iHeight:int, nStartPercent:Number, uiColor:uint, nAlpha:Number, uiFillColor:uint, nFillAlpha:Number, bLine:Boolean, iLineThickness:int, uiLineColor:uint, nLineAlpha:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Bar
CreateBitmap() — method, class verlocity.display.Layer
Creates a bitmap for the layer.
CreateButton(sName:String, sText:String, tfTextFormat:flash.text:TextFormat, iPosX:int, iPosY:int, cButton:Class, fFunction:Function, fCondition:Function) — method, class verlocity.components.verUI
Creates a button.
CreateCube(vPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, nWidth:Number, nHeight:Number, nDepth:Number, cubeMaterial:away3d.materials:Material) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and displays a 3D cube
CreateDrawable(bCollision:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Creates a display object entity with a sprite display object.
CreateDrawableBitmap(iWidth:int, iHeight:int, bOverrideDisplay:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Creates a bitmap canvas for graphic drawing.
CreateEffect(mc:flash.display:MovieClip, bBitmap:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Creates an effect.
CreateEmitter(emitter:verlocity.particle:ParticleEmitter) — method, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Creates a particle emitter
CreateLine(vStartPos:away3d.core.base:Vertex, vEndPos:away3d.core.base:Vertex, uiColor:uint) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and displays a 3D line
CreateLoadGUI() — method, class verlocity.loaders.Preloader
Creates the Verlocity preloader GUI.
CreateModel(objClass:Class, vPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, nScale:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and displays a new 3D model
CreatePointLight(vPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, nBrightness:Number, uiColor:uint) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns a 3D point light (taxing)
CreateScreenEffect(scrFX:verlocity.ents.effects:ScreenEffect, bAddOnTop:Boolean, bProtected:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Creates and spawns a screen effect.
CreateSkybox(skyMaterial:away3d.materials:Material) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and displays a 3D skybox (this is taxing)
CreateSprite(vPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, material:away3d.materials:Material, nWidth:Number, nHeight:Number, nScale:Number, nRot:Number, sAlign:String) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and displays a 3D sprite
CreateText(sName:String, sText:String, tfTextFormat:flash.text:TextFormat, sLayer:String, iPosX:int, iPosY:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verUI
Creates a text element.
CRectangle — final class, package verlocity.collision
CRectangle(nPosX:Number, nPosY:Number, nWidth:Number, nHeight:Number, nOffsetX:Number, nOffsetY:Number) — Constructor, class verlocity.collision.CRectangle
ctColor — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
cTint — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
currentAnimation — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
Sets the current Animation to be displayed
currentFrame — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
currentFrame — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Gets the current frame of the display object (if it's a MovieClip/_bitmapClip)
currentFrameLabel — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Gets the current frame label of the display object (if it's a MovieClip)
currentLayer — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
A getter that returns the layer the entity is currently in.
currentLayerName — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
A getter that returns the layer name the entity is currently in.
CurTime() — Static Method , class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the elapsed running time of the application.
CurTime() — method, class verlocity.components.verEngine
Returns the current time (in miliseconds).
CutOff — Property, class verlocity.components.verSoundAnalyzer
Returns the cut off (for beat detection).
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