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G — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
game — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the active game.
Game — final class, package verlocity.core
Game(initClass:Class, firstState:verlocity.logic:State, sSetGameName:String, sSetGameAuthor:String, sSetGameDescription:String) — Constructor, class verlocity.core.Game
Starts the game.
GameAuthor — Property, class verlocity.core.Game
Returns the game author.
GameDescription — Property, class verlocity.core.Game
Returns the game description.
gameLayer — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the string reference of the game layer.
GameName — Property, class verlocity.core.Game
Returns the game name.
GC() — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.SysUtil
Forces Flash's garabage collector.
GeneratePosition() — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Gets a random position based on the origin and returns it as a Point for particles.
GenerateProperties() — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Generates a random particle properties for applying to particles Make sure everything is set before calling this.
Get(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Returns an acheivement table.
_Get() — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Returns the camera sprite
Get(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Returns a layer based on its name.
Get(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verUI
Gets and returns a UI element
Get(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verVariables
Returns a variable based on string name given
Get(componentClass:Object) — method, class verlocity.core.ComponentManager
Gets a registered component.
Get(sKey:String) — method, class verlocity.input.KeyManager
Returns a uint or Array of uint key based on string found in key data.
Get() — method, class verlocity.particle.RandSeed
Returns a random number between the two seeds.
Get() — method, class verlocity.settings.SettingsManager
Returns the settings data.
GetAll() — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Returns all registered achievements.
GetAll() — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Returns all of the current entities.
GetAll() — Static Method , class verlocity.core.ComponentManager
Returns all active components.
GetAlpha() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the overall transparency of the entity.
GetAngle() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the angle of rotation as a unit vector.
GetAsset(className:Class, bCreateIfNotFound:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verBitmap
Returns a bitmap clip that's been preloaded.
GetByClass(entClass:Class) — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Returns an array of entities by class name.
GetByType(sType:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Returns an array of entities by type.
GetClass() — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Returns the class of the entity.
GetClass(obj:Object) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.ObjectUtil
Returns the constructor class of an object
GetColor() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the color of the entity.
GetDirection() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns a normalized vector that describes the direction of the current velocity.
GetFrequency() — method, class verlocity.components.verSoundAnalyzer
Returns the current audio FFT.
GetFriction() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the friction of this physics object
GetGravity() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the gravity of this physics object
GetGroup() — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Returns the sound object's string group name.
GetHeight() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Scroll
GetHeight() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Text
getId(name:String) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
GetIndex(aArray:Array, obj:Object) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.ArrayUtil
Finds and returns the index of an object in array.
getInstance(useWeakReferences:Boolean) — Static Method , class verlocity.core.Global
Returns the single global instance of this class.
getKey(id:int) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
GetKeyHistory() — method, class verlocity.components.verInput
Returns the key history array.
GetLinkedList() — method, class verlocity.components.verEnts
Returns the linked list that holds all the entities.
GetMagnitude() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the current magnitude (speed)
GetMass() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the mass of the physics object
GetMouseRotation() — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Returns the rotation (0-360) from the relation of the mouse and the entity.
GetName() — method, class verlocity.components.verSoundscape
Returns the current name of the soundscape
GetName() — method, class verlocity.components.verStates
Returns the string name of the state.
GetOwner() — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Returns the current owner of the entity.
GetOwner() — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Returns the owner of the sound object.
GetPercent(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Returns the percentage the achievement is at (val/required)
GetPhysicsObject() — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Returns the physics object
GetPos() — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Returns the current position as a point
GetPos() — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Returns the current X position
getProperty(name:any) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
GetQuality() — method, class verlocity.display.DisplayManager
Returns the stage quality integer (1-3, Low-High).
GetRad(pStartPos:flash.geom:Point, pEndPos:flash.geom:Point) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.AngleUtil
Returns the radian based on two points given.
GetRequired(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Returns the required value of an achievement.
GetScale() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.UIElement
Returns the scale of the UI element.
GetScale() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the current scale of the entity.
GetScreenRect() — method, class verlocity.display.DisplayManager
Gets the screen rect
GetState() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Returns the current state of the button.
GetSumOfAllForces() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the calculated sum of all the forces being applied on this physic object
GetType() — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Returns the current string type of the entity.
GetValue(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Returns the value of an achievement.
GetVelocity() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the unit vector of the current velocity
_GetView() — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Returns the camera view area
GetVolume() — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Returns the overall volume
GetVX() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the current X velocity.
GetVY() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Returns the current Y velocity.
GetWidth() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Scroll
GetWidth() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Text
Global — Dynamic Class, package verlocity.core
Global(useWeakReferences:Boolean) — Constructor, class verlocity.core.Global
Singleton constructor.
GlobalEvent — final class, package verlocity.events
GlobalEvent(type:String, property:any, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class verlocity.events.GlobalEvent
gotoAndPlay(frame:int) — method, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
gotoAndStop(frame:int) — method, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
graphics — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the graphics object.
GraphicsUtil — final class, package verlocity.utils
GUI_MESSAGE_FORMAT — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
Sets the default GUI message text format.
GUI_SCALE — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
GUI_SCALE sets the scale factor of all Verlocity GUI.
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