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M — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
magnitude — Property, class verlocity.physics.Force
Returns the current magnitude (speed)
MatBitmap(materialClass:Class) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns a 3D bitmap material
MatColor(uiColor:uint) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns a solid color material
MatCube(topMat:away3d.materials:Material, bottomMat:away3d.materials:Material, frontMat:away3d.materials:Material, leftMat:away3d.materials:Material, rightMat:away3d.materials:Material, backMat:away3d.materials:Material) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns a material cube (a material with seperate textures per side)
MathUtil — final class, package verlocity.utils
MatTransform(materialClass:Class, bRepeat:Boolean, nScaleX:Number, nScaleY:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns a 3D transform bitmap material
MatWireframe(uiColor:uint, nWidth:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Creates and returns a wireframe material
maxEmitters — Property, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Returns the max emitters allowed.
maxHealth — Property, class verlocity.ents.Entity
A getter that returns the maximum health this entity can have.
maxParticles — Property, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Returns the max particles available.
Memory — Property, class verlocity.components.verStats
Returns the curret memory usage.
MenuDisp — Property, class verlocity.components.verPause
Returns the display object of the pause menu.
MenuGUI — Property, class verlocity.components.verPause
Returns the pause menu gui element.
menuHeight — Static Property, class verlocity.display.gui.AchievementList
menuHeight — Static Property, class verlocity.display.gui.PauseMenu
MenuList — Property, class verlocity.components.verPause
Returns the list of pause menu items.
menuWidth — Static Property, class verlocity.display.gui.AchievementList
menuWidth — Static Property, class verlocity.display.gui.PauseMenu
message — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the HUD message manager.
Message — class, package verlocity.display.gui
Message(sMessage:String) — Constructor, class verlocity.display.gui.Message
MessageManager — final class, package verlocity.display
MessageManager(sStage:flash.display:Stage) — Constructor, class verlocity.display.MessageManager
MINUS — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
MINUS_PAD — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
MouseIsDown() — method, class verlocity.components.verInput
Returns if the left mouse button is down.
MouseIsInside(disp:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class verlocity.components.verInput
Returns if the mouse is inside a dispay object.
MouseWheel() — method, class verlocity.components.verInput
Returns the current mouse wheel delta.
MoveCamera(vPos:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class verlocity.components.ver3D
Moves the camera by different amounts.
MoveTo(pPoint:flash.geom:Point, bEase:Boolean, iEaseSpeed:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Moves the camera to a specific point
MS — Property, class verlocity.components.verStats
Returns the MS (script execution time)
Mute() — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Mutes the overall sound
Mx — Property, class verlocity.components.verInput
Returns the current mouse x position.
My — Property, class verlocity.components.verInput
Returns the current mouse y position.
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