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S — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
sampleFrequencyBands(spectrum:Vector$Number, frequencies:Array, stretchFactor:int) — Static Method , class verlocity.sound.FrequencyAnalyzer
saturation — Property, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Returns the saturation of the camera.
save — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Save(data:Object, sPackageName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verSave
Saves a data object into a SharedObject.
ScaleAround(disp:flash.display:DisplayObject, offsetX:Number, offsetY:Number, absScaleX:Number, absScaleY:Number) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.DisplayUtil
Scales a display object around a specific point.
ScaleLayer(sName:String, nAddScale:Number, pCenter:flash.geom:Point) — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Scales a layer and its contents from a center position.
scaleSmoothing — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
scaleX — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
scaleX — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the X scale of the display entity.
scaleY — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
scaleY — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the Y scale of the display entity.
ScrCenter — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the global stage center point.
ScreenEffect — class, package verlocity.ents.effects
ScreenEffect() — Constructor, class verlocity.ents.effects.ScreenEffect
ScrH — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the global stage height (resolution).
Scroll — class, package verlocity.display.ui
Scroll(sName:String, nScrollX:Number, iScrollWidth:int, nScrollY:Number, iScrollHeight:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Scrolls a layer infinitly.
Scroll(sStage:flash.display:Stage) — Constructor, class verlocity.display.ui.Scroll
ScrW — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns the global stage width (resolution).
Selected() — method, class verlocity.display.gui.PauseButton
Selected() — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
SendToBottom(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Sends a layer to the bottom of the display list.
SendToTop(sName:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Sends a layer to the top of the display list.
Set(sName:String, iAmount:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verAchievements
Sets an achievement's value.
Set(scNew:verlocity.sound:Soundscape) — method, class verlocity.components.verSoundscape
Sets the current soundscape.
Set(newState:verlocity.logic:State, bTransition:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verStates
Sets the state.
Set(sName:String, nValue:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verVariables
Sets a variable to a specific value.
Set(sKey:String, keyCode:uint) — method, class verlocity.input.KeyManager
Sets a key data string reference with given uint key code
Set(language:verlocity.lang:LanguageData) — method, class verlocity.lang.LanguageManager
Sets the language of the translator.
SetAlpha(nSetAlpha:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the overall transparency of the entity.
SetAsCurrentHighlightedButton(button:verlocity.display.ui:Button) — method, class verlocity.components.verUI
Sets the current button to be highlighted
SetAttachment(newAttachment:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class verlocity.ents.effects.Effect
Sets the attachment object of this effect (the effect will follow its position).
SetBounds(rectSetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, iInnerPadding:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Sets the screen boundaries of the entity.
SetButton(fSetFunction:Function, fSetCondition:Function) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Sets the functions of the button
SetCenterPos(nPosX:Number, nPosY:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Centers the camera on a position.
SetCollisionFlags(iFlags:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Set collision flags.
SetCollisionRect(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, nOffsetX:Number, nOffsetY:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Sets the collision rect (required for collision)
SetColor(r:int, g:int, b:int, alpha:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Sets the camera to a specific color
SetColor(newColor:uint, nAlpha:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the color of the entity.
SetColorRGB(r:int, g:int, b:int, nAlpha:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the color of the entity with RGB.
SetDefaultHealth(setHealth:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Sets the default health of this entity.
SetDirection(pDir:flash.geom:Point) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the velocity direction
SetDisplayObject(dispObject:flash.display:DisplayObject, bBitmap:Boolean, iFPS:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the display object of the entity - i.e.
SetEffectPreset(iPreset:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Sets the effect to a preset.
SetEffects(iRedrawSpeed:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verParticles
Sets the effects (redraw speed)
SetEnabled(bEnable:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Enables/disables the button for use
SetFilters(... rest) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the filters of the display object.
SetFrame(iFrame:int, bPlayAnim:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the display object (if it's a MovieClip/BitmapClip) to a specific frame number.
SetFrameLabel(sString:String, bPlayAnim:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the display object (if it's a MovieClip/BitmapClip) to a specific labeled frame.
SetFriciton(pOverrideFriction:flash.geom:Point) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the friction of this physics object
SetFullscreen(bEnable:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.display.DisplayManager
Enables/disables fullscreen mode.
SetGame(gSetGame:verlocity.core:Game) — Static Method , class verlocity.Verlocity
Sets the game.
SetGameLayer(sLayer:String) — Static Method , class verlocity.Verlocity
Sets a reference of the game layer.
SetGravity(pOverrideGravity:flash.geom:Point) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the gravity of this physics object (overrides global gravity)
SetGroup(sGroup:String) — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Sets the sound object's string group name.
SetHealth(newHealth:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Sets the health value of this entity.
SetHeight(iHeight:int) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Text
SetHighlighted(bHighlight:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Enables/disables highlighting the button, as if the mouse was over it.
SetLayer(sLayer:String) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Sets the layer the camera is in.
SetMagnitude(nMagnitude:Number) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the magnitude (speed)
SetMask(mask:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Sets the viewable mask of the camera
SetMaskPos(iPosX:int, iPosY:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Sets the position of the mask
SetMass(nNewMass:Number) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the mass of the physics object
SetOriginPos(nPosX:Number, nPosY:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.UIElement
Overrides origin position
SetOwner(newOwner:Object) — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Sets the owner of the entity.
SetOwner(objOwner:Object) — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Sets the owner of the sound object.
SetParent(newParent:Object) — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Sets the sound object to a parent (will follow its current X position) Requires a x variable (or getter) to be on the parent object
SetPartAcceleration(nAccelXLow:Number, nAccelXHigh:Number, nAccelYLow:Number, nAccelYHigh:Number) — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the particles' starting acceleration
SetPartColorEnd(uiColor1:uint, uiColor2:uint) — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the particles' ending color.
SetPartColorStart(uiColor1:uint, uiColor2:uint) — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the particles' starting color.
SetPartLifeTime(nLifeTimeLow:Number, nLifeTimeHigh:Number) — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the particles' life time.
SetPartPosition(nPosXLow:Number, nPosXHigh:Number, nPosYLow:Number, nPosYHigh:Number) — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the start position of the particles.
SetPartVelocity(nVelXLow:Number, nVelXHigh:Number, nVelYLow:Number, nVelYHigh:Number) — method, class verlocity.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the particles' starting velocity
SetPercent(nSetPercent:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Bar
SetPhysicsProperties(nMass:Number, pVelocityDirection:flash.geom:Point, nVelocityMagnitude:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Sets the physicial properies of this entity
SetPickup(entSetActivator:verlocity.ents:DynamicEntity, bShouldMoveTowards:Boolean, iSetMinMoveDist:int, iSetMoveSpeed:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.items.Pickup
Sets the pickup data to apply to this pickup.
SetPlayer(playerEnt:any) — Static Method , class verlocity.Verlocity
Sets a reference to the player (can be an entity).
SetPos(nPosX:Number, nPosY:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.UIElement
Sets the X and Y position of the UI element.
SetPos(nSetPosX:Number, nSetPosY:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Sets the X and Y position of the entity
SetPos(nNewPosX:Number) — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Sets the position of the sound object (must be location-based for to have any effect).
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — method, class verlocity.core.Global
SetProtected(bProtected:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Protects an entity from being removed by clean up calls, such as CleanSlate.
SetQuality(iQuality:int) — method, class verlocity.display.DisplayManager
Sets the stage quality and displays a GUI message (if available).
SetRandomFrame(bPlayAnim:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the display object (if it's a MovieClip/BitmapClip) to a random frame.
SetRemoveTime(iMilliSecs:int, bFadeOut:Boolean, nSetFadeSpeed:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the time the entity should be removed in.
SetRotation(iRot:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the rotation of the entity.
SetScale(nSetScale:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.UIElement
Sets the scale of the UI element.
SetScale(nSetScale:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the scale of the entity.
SetSelected(bSelect:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Enables/disables selection of the button.
SetSettings(ssNewSettings:verlocity.sound:SoundGroupSettings) — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundGroup
Sets the settings of the sound group.
SetSize(iSetWidth:int, iSetHeight:int) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Scroll
SetSpawnParams(iSetDelay:int, cSetClass:Class, cSetDisplayClass:Class, bSetBitmap:Boolean, nSetMinX:Number, nSetMaxX:Number, nSetMinY:Number, nSetMaxY:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.spawners.BeatSpawner
Set spawn parameters
SetSpeed(nSetSpeed:Number) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Scroll
SetText(sText:String, tfTextFormat:flash.text:TextFormat) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Sets the text to display on the button
SetText(sText:String, tfFormat:flash.text:TextFormat) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Text
SetTextColor(uiColor:uint) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Text
SetTimeScale(nNewTimeScale:Number, bAdjustFramerate:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verEngine
Sets the timescale of the engine.
settings — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Returns Verlocity's settings.
Settings — Property, class verlocity.sound.SoundGroup
SettingsData — class, package verlocity.settings
This class holds all the settings data.
SettingsManager — final class, package verlocity.settings
SettingsManager(stage:flash.display:Stage, settings:verlocity.settings:SettingsData) — Constructor, class verlocity.settings.SettingsManager
SetTint(amount:Number, r:int, g:int, b:int) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Sets the tint of the camera
SetTint(amount:Number, newColor:uint) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the tint of the entity.
SetTintRGB(amount:Number, r:int, g:int, b:int) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets the tint of the entity with RGB.
SetType(sSetType:String) — method, class verlocity.ents.Entity
Sets the string type of the entity.
SetupCollision() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Sets up the collision bounds.
_SetUpdateAll(bPause:Boolean) — Static Method , class verlocity.core.ComponentManager
Sets if all the components should be updated.
_SetUpdating(bUpdating:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.core.Component
Pauses/resumes the component updating, if it's pausable.
SetVelocity(pNewVelocity:flash.geom:Point) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the velocity
SetVolume(nSetVolume:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Sets the overall volume
SetVolume(nNewVolume:Number) — method, class verlocity.ents.sound.SoundEmitter
Sets the volume of the emitting sound
SetVolume(nNewVolume:Number) — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Sets the volume of the sound object.
SetVolumeGroup(sGroup:String, nSetVolume:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Sets the volume of sounds based on group
SetVX(nVelocityX:Number) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the current X velocity
SetVY(nVelocityY:Number) — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sets the current Y velocity.
SetWidth(iWidth:int) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
Sets the width of the button
SetWidth(iWidth:int) — method, class verlocity.display.ui.Text
SetZoom(nSetZoom:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Zooms the camera
Shake(iDuration:int, nForce:Number) — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Shakes the camera
SHIFT — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
ShouldEnd() — method, class verlocity.logic.State
Return true to end the state.
SHOW_MESSAGES — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
SHOW_MESSAGES enables/disables VerlocityMessages.
ShowMouse(bShow:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verInput
Shows/hides the mouse cursor.
SHOW_PAUSEMENU — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
SHOW_PAUSEMENU enables/disables the built-in pause menu GUI.
SHOW_SPLASH — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
Please support Verlocity with this splash intro.
similarity(p_source:String, p_target:String) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.StringUtil
Determines the percentage of similiarity, based on editDistance
Singleton — class, package verlocity.core
Singleton() — Constructor, class verlocity.core.Singleton
SingletonManager — final class, package verlocity.core
SinTime(nDivider:Number, nMul:Number) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.MathUtil
Returns a frmae-based sin expression, sin( time / divider ) mul
SLASH — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
SLASH_PAD — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
Sleep() — method, class verlocity.physics.PhysObject
Sleeps the physics object (all physics operations will be halted, but not cleared)
SlowRotation(nOriginalRot:Number, nAngle:Number, nSpeed:Number) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.AngleUtil
Returns a degree (0-360) based on the original degree, a new degree, and the speed to rotate towards.
SmoothAverage(nNum:Number, nNum2:Number, nSpeed:Number) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.MathUtil
Returns the smoothed average of two numbers.
sound — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
SoundEmitter — class, package verlocity.ents.sound
SoundGroup — final class, package verlocity.sound
SoundGroup(sSoundsURL:String, iSoundAmount:int, sSoundExtension:String) — Constructor, class verlocity.sound.SoundGroup
Creates a sound group.
SoundGroups — Property, class verlocity.sound.Soundscape
SoundGroupSettings — final class, package verlocity.sound
SoundGroupSettings(iSetTimeMin:int, iSetTimeMax:int, nSetVolMin:Number, nSetVolMax:Number, iSetPitchMin:int, iSetPitchMax:int, bShouldLoop:Boolean) — Constructor, class verlocity.sound.SoundGroupSettings
Creates settings for a sound group
SoundObject — class, package verlocity.sound
SoundObject(sSound:any, nStartVolume:Number, bLoops:Boolean, bLocationBased:Boolean, sGroup:String) — Constructor, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Creates a new sound object.
soundscape — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
Soundscape — final class, package verlocity.sound
sourceClass — Property, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
sourceClass — Property, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Returns the artwork source class name
SPACE — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
Spawn(sSetLayer:String, bSpawnOnBottom:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Spawns the entity into a layer and calls Init.
Spawn(sSetLayer:String, bSpawnOnBottom:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.effects.ScreenEffect
Spawn(sSetLayer:String) — method, class verlocity.ents.spawners.BeatSpawner
Sets the layer to spawn entities into
SpeedUp(mc:flash.display:MovieClip, iIncrement:int, bLoops:Boolean) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.DisplayUtil
Increases the speed of a MovieClip by skipping frames incrementally.
splice(node:verlocity.core:ListNode) — method, class verlocity.core.LinkedList
Removes a node from the linked list.
spliceData(data:any) — method, class verlocity.core.LinkedList
Removes the first matching node with the matching data from the linked list.
stage — Property, class verlocity.core.Component
start() — method, class verlocity.core.Ticker
StartEmitting(sSound:any, nStartVolume:Number, bLoops:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.sound.SoundEmitter
Starts emitting a location based sound
StartRenderBitmap() — method, class verlocity.display.Layer
Clears all of the bitmap's canvas.
_StartRenderBitmaps() — method, class verlocity.components.verLayers
Loops through all the layers and starts rendering their bitmaps.
START_VOLUME — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
START_VOLUME is the starting volume of your project.
state — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
State — class, package verlocity.logic
State() — Constructor, class verlocity.logic.State
Creates a state and stores its class.
STATE_DISABLED — Constant Property, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
STATE_DOWN — Constant Property, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
STATE_OUT — Constant Property, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
STATE_OVER — Constant Property, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
STATE_SELECTED — Constant Property, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
STATE_TRANSITION_IN — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
STATE_TRANSITION_IN defines the transition MovieClip that occurs when a state is first appearing (fading in).
STATE_TRANSITION_OUT — Property, class verlocity.settings.SettingsData
STATE_TRANSITION_OUT defines the transition MovieClip that occurs when a state is being removed (fading out).
STATE_UP — Constant Property, class verlocity.display.ui.Button
stats — Static Property, class verlocity.Verlocity
stop() — method, class verlocity.core.Ticker
stop() — method, class verlocity.display.BitmapClip
Stop(bFade:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verSoundscape
Stops the current soundscape
Stop() — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Stops the display object (if it's a MovieClip/_bitmapClip)
Stop() — method, class verlocity.sound.SoundObject
Stops the sound object.
STOP — Constant Static Property, class verlocity.input.KeyCode
StopAll(bFade:Boolean, bGlobal:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Stops all sounds (deletes them)
StopAllInObject(obj:Object, bFade:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Stops all sounds emitted from an object (deletes them)
StopAllSounds() — method, class verlocity.ents.DynamicEntity
Stops all sounds that are emitting from this entity.
StopEmitting(bFade:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.sound.SoundEmitter
Stops emitting the sound and kills the emitter
StopFollowing() — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Stops the camera from following an entity
StopGroup(sGroup:String, bFade:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.components.verSound
Stops all sounds in a group (deletes them)
StopMoveTo() — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Stops moving the camera to a specific point (if MoveTo was called)
StopShaking() — method, class verlocity.components.verCamera
Stop shaking the camera
StringUtil — final class, package verlocity.utils
stripTags(p_string:String) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.StringUtil
Remove's all symbol based tags from a string
SurfaceMaterials — final class, package verlocity.physics
swapCase(p_string:String) — Static Method , class verlocity.utils.StringUtil
Swaps the casing of a string.
SwapLayer(sSetLayer:String, bSpawnOnBottom:Boolean) — method, class verlocity.ents.DisplayEntity
Swaps the current layer of the entity.
SysUtil — final class, package verlocity.utils
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